This impact story was published by Rwanda Girls Initiative. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Denyse is working harder than ever!

Denyse Uwizeyimana 2012
Dear Karen, Bernadette, Anne, Ann, Kata, Barbara, Karen, Ruth, Bernadette, Shirley & John, Kevin, Jacques, Nancy, Marc, Marge, Lori, Judy, Mike, Jessica, Dennis, Alice, and Peter,

Thank you all for supporting the Rwanda Girls Initiative (RGI) and Denyse! In Rwanda, 97% of girls go to primary school, but less than 13% attend upper-secondary school. RGI established and operates the Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology, which transforms the brightest young girls to be leaders for tomorrow. A boarding school for 270 girls, the academy will graduate exemplary young woman who will be well prepared to succeed in their advanced studies and in their future vocations and who will contribute in important ways to the growth of their communities and their nation.

Denyse just began her senior year at Gashora Girls Academy. She is working harder than ever and is focused on reading textbooks that will improve her English and prepare her for the upcoming national exam. She hopes to score highly on the national exam as she would like to study pharmacy engineering in University. She continues to enjoy playing soccer, is participating in Kiswahili Club and is a good friend to her fellow students. Thank you for making Denyse’s dreams come true by providing her with a year-long scholarship. Your contributions cover a year of expenses at the school, including the cost of uniforms, a mosquito net for the recipient’s bed, meals, healthcare, and tuition. Thank you for your kindness — Denyse is so grateful!

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