This impact story was published by Rwanda Girls Initiative. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Joyce wants to return the kindness

Dear Derek, Steve, Sandra, Tony, Jigna, Sterling and Melinda, Steve, Eran, Cindy, Hitesh, Praveen, Chris, Susan and James, Carrie, Leo, Luke and Ani, renee, Haris, Ehtasham, and Richard,

Joyce is a beautiful girl with a kind and radiant spirit! Joyce has high hopes of playing a pivotal role in the transformation of her country, Rwanda. As an orphan of the genocide, she has relied on the kindness of people who have helped her live a healthy life and she hopes to one day give back the gifts that have been given to her by working for her country as a doctor. Joyce loves her life at Gashora Girls Academy and is thankful to God for the grace and love that he has blessed her with throughout her life.

Thank you,  Derek, Steve, Sandra, Tony, Jigna, Sterling and Melinda, Steve, Eran, Cindy, Hitesh, Praveen, Chris, Susan and James, Carrie, Leo, Luke and Ani, renee, Haris, and Ehtasham, for coming together to provide Joyce with a new uniform so that she can go to school everyday feeling confident and happy.

Thank you, Richard, for providing a month of meals of Joyce. On a full stomach, she can study much better.

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